Still, being busy with heavy class loads and a variety of end-of-semester burdens, we all pulled off this little stunt. Created a collective web presence for each members' solo digital art exhibitions. The kind of exhibitions that never happened. But now they have. Get it?
"...the video projections exacted onto select walls and spaces within the Denver Art Museum's Frederic C. Hamilton Building. The projections were plotted and integrated into the geometric architecture, constantly streaming and sourced from a real time feed of the artist's web cam. The anti-performance took place via two IR motion sensors that tracked the artist's movements from room to room in her Denver apartment. The sensors were networked into 5 laptops, one for each major traffic area, and triggered a public access internet channel to switch it's broadcast from one area to the next, thus tracking the artist during the museum's hours of operation throughout the duration of the exhibition."
"...from some random gallery. I was compelled by the natural light's effect within the interior. Nevermind the seating that was never pointed in the right direction. Coincidentally I just finished video recording one dozen instances of relieving myself of pee (potty time) over several weeks and I had footage I wanted to utilize while it was fresh. After doing the math of the 12 videos, I discovered that it takes me an average of 1:23 to go from pants down to pants up (including full flush). The numbers of 1:23 add up to 6, which is the number of videos I chose for compiling into multichannel video projection. In the end, I noticed the fountain in the courtyard. Like I really noticed it. And I called it the Fountain of Piss."